About the Latitude 64 Compass
The Latitude 64 Compass is a stable Midrange that will fly anywhere you put it. Whether hyzer, anhyzer, or straight, the Compass will predictably hold the line. Designed to fit in any hand, the Compass is not too shallow or deep. The Latitude 64 Compass was developed in cooperation with 2x World Champion Ricky Wysocki.
About Latitude 64 Retro Burst Plastic
Retro Burst is a colorful baseline plastic from Latitude 64. This plastic shares the same feel and "break in" time, but boasts a beautiful burst of color throughout the plastic. Retro Burst is a great choice for slower arm speeds and beginners due to its firendly flights and affordable price.
About The Latitude 64 Retro Burst Compass From Local Route Disc Golf Pro Shop
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