About the Innova Colt
The Innova Colt is a putt & approach disc similar to the Classic Roc, with a shallow rim and low profile that cuts through the air more easily than taller putters. The Colt is a VTech design, which provides extra torque resistance and a predictable flight path for gentle approach shots and powerful drives alike. The Innova Colt is a fairly straight flying disc that can also work for slow turnover shots. The torque resistance makes the Colt suitable for forehand shots and predictability in the wind.
About Innova XT Plastic
XT plastic is a tough blend that was formulated for the Nova and the Atlas, Innova's over mold discs, but it quickly gained popularity and is now available in other molds. Grippy and tough as nails, XT plastic has a firmness similar to R-Pro but a bit firmer.
About The Innova XT Colt - First Run Proto Star From Local Route Disc Golf Pro Shop
Stamp Name: First Run Proto Star