About The Dynamic Discs Sockibomb Slammer
The Sockibomb Slammer is derived from the original DD Slammer with a little flare of the Westside Discs Harp. This is a very overstable putt & approach mold, which provides excellent consistency. The dependability of this mold is great for all players of all skills levels. This works great for backhand or forehand throws, flying straight with a reliable ending fade every time.
About Dynamic Discs Lucid Moonshine Plastic
Moonshine has all of the benefits of Lucid with an added feature - it glows in the dark! Give your disc some light and keep golfing all night long. Expect Moonshine molds to be slightly more overstable than the Lucid version.
Stamp Name: Ricky Wysocki Sockibomb Bombardier Skull
All Dynamic Discs Sockibomb Slammers

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