About the Axiom Envy
The Envy by Axiom is the iconic, mildly overstable putt and approach discs that everyone should try at least once. Reliable at high and low speeds, the Axiom Envy is similar to the MVP Anode and Ion with a touch more beefiness. With the slim profile and slow cruising speed, the "lid-like" Envy will leave competitors envious as you sail straight into the chains on approach.
About Prism Plasma Plastic
Prism Plasma is another blend of the Prism variety (proton rim). This plastic features a Plasma core with a Proton rim. This blend is a beauty to look at, mixed with durability to last.
About the Axiom Prism Plasma Envy - Lab Second from Local Route Disc Golf Pro Shop
Stamp Name: Lab Second
All Axiom Envys

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