About the Infinite Discs Scepter
The Scepter is a flat-top, overstable fairway driver for power throwers or for utility use to get around obstacles on the disc golf course. It is very comfortable for forehand use and will always fight out of anhyzer releases. You can count on the Scepter to slice through headwinds and to make a dramatic end-of-flight fade.
About Infinite Discs I-Blend Plastic
Infinite I-Blend is an affordable plastic blend with a great feel and incredible glide. This plastic has a slightly softer, grippier, feel than S-Blend and is almost just as durable. If you're looking for a premium feel at an affordable price, you'll want Infinite Blend in your bag.
About The Infinite Discs I-Blend Scepter From Local Route Disc Golf Pro Shop
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Other Speed 9 discs

Discs with same flight numbers 9|*|0|4